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STEM: GSS Virtual Math Olympiad 2023

Updated: Nov 11, 2023

Update as of November 7th, 2023 - Winners Announced:

We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to all the talented participants who entered our recent competition. Your dedication and hard work truly shone through in each submission. This year's competition was fierce, featuring several hundred participants from all corners of the globe, truly living up to the international spirit of Global Scholars Society!

The results are in, and we're thrilled to announce the winners of this contest:

🏆 1st Place: George N. (UK)

🥈 2nd Place: Akihiro S. (Japan)

🥉 3rd Place: Mei C. (China)

Congratulations to our finalists! We've also contacted those who received Commendation Awards. We appreciate your efforts and the unique perspectives you brought to the competition.

Our competitions will be back soon for 2024, with a few improvements (including the addition of prize money), so stay tuned for more information released shortly!

Curious about George's winning solutions? You can view them here.


We are thrilled to announce the inaugural Global Scholars Society Virtual Math Olympiad, an exciting opportunity for high school and college students to showcase their exceptional problem-solving prowess. If you're passionate about mathematics and up for a challenge that will truly test your limits, this competition is tailor-made for you!

Competition Overview:

The Global Scholars Society Virtual Math Olympiad is a prestigious international mathematical competition designed to celebrate and recognize exceptional problem-solving skills. This event is divided into two categories: one for high school students and another for college students. High school students may choose to compete in either the high school or college category (not both), with each category featuring advanced mathematical challenges that will push your intellect to new heights.

Event Highlights:

  • Challenge Categories: Each category includes carefully curated problem sets that span various branches of mathematics, from algebra and geometry to number theory and more.

  • Challenging Problem Solving: Participants will tackle problems that are on par with second-year college-level math (high school category) and even postgraduate-level math (college category).

  • Rigorous Evaluation: Submissions will be evaluated based on correctness, depth of understanding, rigor, and innovative problem-solving approaches.

  • Prizes and Recognition: Outstanding participants will be awarded top prizes and certificates of participation. This is a chance to earn recognition for your exceptional mathematical skills!


  • 3 finalists will be selected and offered executive roles within the Global Scholars Society STEM Division

  • The overall champion will have their solutions published on the GSS website (or not, should they wish to remain anonymous)

  • Highly commended awards will also be assigned at the discretion of the judging panel (number tbc depending upon entries)

  • All participants will receive specific guidance upon request on how to effectively write-up their achievements and participation in the competition for their college applications or CV/Resume

Important Dates:

  • Registration Deadline: October 20th

  • Problem Set Request Period: October 1st - October 21st, 23:59 EST

  • Problem Set Distribution to Participant: Within 24 hours of the participant's request via email

  • Submission Deadline: 24 hours from the time of distribution

  • Results Announcement: Communicated to winners by October 30th, 2023, 00:00 EST

How to Participate:

  1. Head to the "services" section of our website and register to join the competition by paying the entry fee (why do we ask for this?) GSS Scholars can request a 50% fee reduction code by emailing

  2. Once registered, request your chosen problem set category by writing to during the specified period. Once selected, this choice is final

  3. We will then provide you with the problem set which you will have 24 hours (starting from the time our email is sent) to complete and return to us.

  4. Submit your solutions as a PDF document to by the submission deadline, along with your full name, school/college name, grade/year, and country.

Rules and Guidelines:

  • Participants can request their chosen problem set category by writing to during the specified period. Once selected, this choice is final.

  • Participants must choose either the high school or college category for the competition (exceptions may be granted upon formal request submitted to

  • Late registrations (not submissions) may be accepted in certain circumstances. Please enquire at

  • Late submissions will not be accepted, and entry fees will be forfeited in such cases.

  • Solutions must be written completely using standard English mathematical conventions and submitted within the specified 24-hour time frame, in effort to remain consistent amongst all participants.

  • All submissions must be made individually: this is not a team event

  • By entering you agree to the GSS terms of service which can be found here

Judging Criteria:

Our team will evaluate submissions based primarily upon accuracy and correctness, however...

where multiple candidates achieve the same number of correct solutions, the following criteria will be considered:

  • Depth of Understanding: Strong comprehension of mathematical concepts.

  • Rigor: Structured and well-justified explanations.

  • Innovative Problem-Solving: Creative approaches to solving challenging problems.

For inquiries or more information, contact us at or visit our website

Participate, challenge yourself, and let your mathematical brilliance shine on the global stage. The Global Scholars Society Virtual Math Olympiad awaits your exceptional problem-solving skills!


The GSS Competition Team

Why do we have an entry fee?

At GSS, we're committed to providing every applicant with the attention and consideration they deserve. We receive a high volume of entries from incredibly talented individuals like you, and to ensure that each entry receives the thorough review it deserves, we charge a small one-time fee.

This fee helps support our dedicated team in carefully reviewing every entry, ensuring that your unique qualities are given the attention they merit.

It also plays a vital role in sustaining the operations of our society, allowing us to continue offering valuable opportunities and enriching experiences to our scholars.

Thank you for understanding, we look forward to reading your entry,



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